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Does your auto policy protect you in a hit-and-run injury claim?

by | Mar 18, 2021 | Car Accidents

Being involved in a hit-and-run collision is never a positive experience. Those who are injured are often unable to view the vehicle let alone take photos when it flees the scene. However, sometimes witnesses can provide this information when they can get a picture of the auto or license plate number. A general description is all many victims have to go on, which is commonly not enough to assist law enforcement officers in finding the culprit. Luckily for some Georgia residents, many auto insurance policies contain a rider that covers the policy holder or a family member when being involved in an accident with an uninsured and under-insured motorist that can be applied when a claim for injuries is submitted.

How the additional coverage works

All insurance companies in Georgia are required to offer uninsured and under-insured drivers coverage when presenting a policy. Adding the clause to a policy is not a state requirement, but it is an excellent option that is actually very cost-effective. For this reason alone, many vehicle owners include the coverage in their policy. And the best part about the clause is that can apply to others in the household as well in certain situations when an experienced personal injury attorney can establish the fact in court.

Potential additional legal action

There is also potential for a legal claim against a fleeing driver when they can be located and apprehended by police. Once identified, they can then be assessed for insurance coverage and possibly sued when their comparative negligence percentage is above 50%. Comparative negligence laws still apply in hit-and-run cases, even though the fleeing driver can be cited for fines and potential jail time, and failure to maintain auto insurance is not always the reason why the driver leaves the scene.